HUNT or be hunted
in a lost world!
War on "Petrel's Paradise"! Five Companies vie for control to restart "Project Clone-a-Saurus". Little do they know, it's open season and the Island's dinosaurs are doing the hunting.

Clone-a-Saurus: The Miniatures Game is a tabletop skirmish game that seeks to simulate the thrilling clash of Predator vs Prey! Different Human factions are pitted against each other and Dinosaurs in Earth-shattering battles for dominance!
Designed with both casual and seasoned players in mind, the Core rules offer simple, yet cinematic gameplay that is sure to bring some excitement to game night! Meanwhile, the Advanced Rules expands on the rules as well as offers options to spice up your next game!
Clone-a-Saurus is designed to be played at 28mm (or 1:56) scale, making it compatible with most other skirmish games. Learn more about the game here!
Open License
Clone-a-Saurus: The Miniatures Game features an "Open License". This means that Fantasm Publications is granting permission to hobbyists and artists to create and sell their own compatible Miniatures and Accessories for the game without the hassle of paying royalties. With this special license, everyone can let their creativity soar and bring their unique spin to our game. In return, we only ask that you help spread the word about Clone-a-Saurus: The Miniatures Game and follow the rules written on the Open License Page.
Artists and Sellers have the opportunity to partner up with Clone-a-Saurus and have their Miniatures and accessories advertised on our website and social media pages as Officially Sanctioned Products!
For more information on the Open Minis License, click here! For more information on Partnerships, click here!
Check Out these
related Projects!
Primitive War: The Miniatures Game and Clone-a-Saurus: The Roleplaying Game are two game projects that are closely compatible with the base game of Clone-a-Saurus. Click here to read more!

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